Many people all across the globe own a vehicle of some sort. Whether it be a motorcycle, car, truck, van, or even a motorized bicycle. However one of the most hated on types of cars in the world is lowered cars. People hate lowered cars because we have to drive slowly, carefully, and we essentially hold up traffic. But there is much more to the "low-life style" than people think. Having a lowered car is a personal preference to how a car looks. Everyone sees their car differently, and personally I like them low. There is something soooooooooooooooooo attractive to a lowered car, that every car I have had has been lowered. Many people believe that lowering your car totally messes it up, however that is the exact opposite of what happens. Contrary to popular belief, driving a lowered car can save you money on gas because it literally won't let you floor it or give it heavy throttle without damaging it. You also can't hurt your suspension with a lowered car because you must find ways to adapt to driving it, as seen on the video below.
Lowered cars are also not cheap, so one of my personal pet peeves are when people tell you that lowering your car is ghetto. Lowering a car has a lot more to it than simply dropping the body. There are countless hours spent in a garage, as well as hundreds of dollars in parts you have to buy. My first car, which was a 1993 Acura Integra had a lot of money put into it. I had money invested into wheels, tires, a handmade oil pan to avoid scrapes, new springs, shocks, and struts throughout the car. It was my baby, however since lowered cars have to drive slower than normal cars, some guy in a truck "didn't see " my turn signal on and plowed into the back of my car at 45 mph, which totaled my baby. If I was driving a normal car, i could have taken the turn at a normal speed, but instead, i had to slow down. That is probably the only bad side of having your car lowered. Just remember if you do decide to lower your car, make sure you have time to deal with all the hassle of having one as well! The picture below was my first car!
Iain--Your 2 new entries are pretty good. You bring up some good points and have some good ideas. You have room to keep digging into your analysis in order to more significantly engage your audience. Pretty good visual appeal. Missing AE#5 and a self-generated.