Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Assigned Entry #3: Well done ASU

ASU has outdone themselves once again. What kind of student doesn't like the sound of less cost, less time, and more efficiency? With these new shortened classes that the University is offering, the student will be able to take the class, get the same exact material, but be done in 7.5 weeks instead of the traditional 15 weeks. One of the best appeals to students about this offer is the fact that they have an extra half of the semester to do whatever they may please! And being a college student, that literally sounds like the best idea ever, creating more time for work, which is much needed if you are going to pay for college on your own. You can also have more time to simply relax and enjoy the better things in life, other than college. The best part of this is that the tuition cost will be lower since the classes will be shorter in overall length. This gives the student a beak financially, and will also draw many more students to the University, since it is so price effective. I believe that ASU is going to see a significant jump in their student population as well as a jump in price intake. Arizona State University, I applaud you.

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