Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Daft Punk hints at a new album?

Daft Punk is the undisputed face, or faces, of club music. They are truly pioneers of the way dance and club music has come to be today. One of the most bizarre things about this group however, is that they rarely reveal themselves. No one knows what kind of work Daft Punk is doing. Whether it be in their basement, studio, or perhaps outer space. Many people believe that the duo sit in an isolated space with blinking lights for hours at a time until music finds a way to enter their brain and then out into the MIDI boards and Synthesizers. Whatever they do, they leave no traces, no Tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram pics, nothing. Just the occasional tour dates. Pictured below is the iconic helmets that they wear for every single show.

Recently, the iconic dance/club music group daft Punk teased American audiences with a 10 second audio clip of what sounded like new recordings. It appeared as a commercial on an episode of Saturday Night Live, and left audiences all across America salivating with curiosity. Every Daft Punk fan knows that the last real 'studio' album that they did was "Human After all". However they have released 4 other albums, not entirely studio recorded. They did the "Alive 2007" album, which was a live recorded album. It was nothing short of amazing. They also released "Musique Vol. 1", which was a greatest hits album in a way. once again, Brilliant. Their most recent and probably most well known album in the US was the "Tron: Legacy" soundtrack. Their other album they released was a version of the Tron soundtrack that fellow electronica music makers had remixed. All of these albums were nothing short of an electric masterpiece. I pray to the Gods of dance music that this is the truth, and that this isn't just a rumor. I also hope that they plan on coming to America again before they "disappear", because they have only performed here one time in the USA in 2010.

Assigned Entry #3: Well done ASU

ASU has outdone themselves once again. What kind of student doesn't like the sound of less cost, less time, and more efficiency? With these new shortened classes that the University is offering, the student will be able to take the class, get the same exact material, but be done in 7.5 weeks instead of the traditional 15 weeks. One of the best appeals to students about this offer is the fact that they have an extra half of the semester to do whatever they may please! And being a college student, that literally sounds like the best idea ever, creating more time for work, which is much needed if you are going to pay for college on your own. You can also have more time to simply relax and enjoy the better things in life, other than college. The best part of this is that the tuition cost will be lower since the classes will be shorter in overall length. This gives the student a beak financially, and will also draw many more students to the University, since it is so price effective. I believe that ASU is going to see a significant jump in their student population as well as a jump in price intake. Arizona State University, I applaud you.